The Reason This All Started

 My car, a 1960 Falcon, was burning oil.  I checked my oil for glitter; I replaced my PCV valve; I performed wet and dry compression tests; I performed a leak down test.  All these tests pointed to a strong engine.  The Falcon burned oil.  The only thing left was my valve stem seals.

I do not have a compressor big enough to get a valve seal replaced before dropping a valve.  So, I decided to take the head off to replace the valve seals.  I am glad I did.

This engine has had many hands in it over the years.  I'm pretty sure the valve seals are a couple decades old.  I have been informed by past mechanics that the valve train parts were incorrect.  Apparently, they never got it right.  My valve stem retainers left a burr on some of the valves.  I also noticed a little play in the first valve guide.  I am not sure what the tolerance on valve guides is, but I do not have the tools to replace a valve guide.  So, I decided to take this head to an automotive machinist.

Here are some some photos of the tear down.

A few of the valve stems have this galling on them.  They must have lost oil at some point????

I squeezed this valve seal and took a picture of it. You'll notice it has not returned to round yet.

This head was machined about 2 decades ago to accept low profile Viton valve seals.  The valve guide bosses are 0.500" diameter now.
All the oil the engine has been burning, caked on the pistons.  You might notice that the cylinder walls still look good.  Glad to have some confirmation that my pressure tests were reliable.
And the cylinder head before cleaning.  Also, the flange that I had laser cut by Cutting edge manufacturing in North Phoenix.  They did a great job.  Wish I had tested the dimensions before sending them the final plans.  I will have to widen a few bolt holes.


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